At Ady, we believe in creating experiences that are innovative, fresh, alive, & meaningful – for listeners & players alike. We’re a project-based ensemble, with members with backgrounds as professional musicians, graduates, tertiary music students, and talented community players. Since since 2011 we’ve produced memorable performances that have included well-known classical works, along with inspiring collaborations with local & interstate composers. Early in 2021, the ensemble’s recording of Bonshek’s “Dreams of the Earth” was released commercially, resulting in the work being awarded the “Contemporary Classical” work at the 2022 Queensland Music Awards, & in 2022 the ensemble released its recording of Brahms’ 2nd Symphony. More recently, in 2023 the ensemble gave a stunning performance of Bruckner’s 4th Symphony.

Of course, none of this happens without having some wonderful people involved. Our core value is Fun, & in achieving a warm, collegial, feel the ensemble has achieved high levels of performance – rewarding for both our players & audiences alike. We have vacancies for both performers & within our wonderful admin people, & we’re taking applications now! Please note that these are fun projects, not paid projects, which have a focus on the professional development of our members, & as part of the Ady experience we provide Professional Development & ensemble subject hours for teachers & tertiary students.
Our next project, “Dales, Dances, & Disco”, has been rescheduled for 2024, & we’ll be looking for the following positions to be filled (please note that availability of positions will be updated as they are filled):
▪Flutes (2 Principals, incl. piccolo)
▪Oboes (2 Principals, incl. Cor Anglais)
▪Clarinets (2 Principals)
▪Bassoons (2 Principals)
▪Horns (2 Positions)
▪Trumpets (3 including 2 Principals – Piccolo required)
▪Tenor Trombones (2 Principals)
▪Bass Trombone (1 position)
▪Timpani (1 position)
▪Harpsichord, or Keyboard, with ability to realise continuo
▪Concertmaster (4 Positions available (includes sharing Principal 2nd Violin roles))
▪Rank & File Violin (Max 26 positions available)
▪Principal Viola (2 Positions available) ▪Rank & File Viola (Max 10 Positions available)
▪Principal Cello (2 Positions available) ▪Rank & File Cello (Max 10 Positions available)
▪Principal Bass (2 Positions available) ▪Rank & File Bass (Max 6 Positions available)

The following Admin roles can be undertaken conjunction with other positions, both administrative and performing:-
▪Marketing & Funding (4 Positions available 2 LEFT!)
▪Business Developments (2 Positions available)
▪Logistics (Front of House, Venue/Asset Management, Stakeholder liasion) (4 Positions available 2 LEFT!)
▪Artistic Direction & Programming (3 Positions available)
▪Ensemble Member Relations (3 Positions available)
If you any of these positions interest you then we’d love to hear from you by filling out the form below. Thanks for dropping by, & we look forward to hearing from you soon!